Backyard pathway designs make the exterior of your home beautiful and useful. These pathways give you a safe place to walk around the garden, see the plants, and relax. Pavers and gravel are great materials for creating pathways. They are durable, look beautiful, and are easy to install. Let’s learn about four different types of pathways you can create in your backyard. We will see how you can make your garden even more attractive by using pavers and gravel. These designs will also enhance the beauty of your home. In addition, these pathways will give your backyard a new look.

Beautiful pathway design with gravel and pavers

1. Straight Gravel Pathway

The simplest path is a straight gravel path. First, you must clear the area for the path. Then, you must install wooden or plastic strips to make the sides. After this, the gravel must be spread and leveled. This type of path is very easy to make. Moreover, it is also cheaper. For example, you can make it from the back door of your house to the garden. Eventually, it will give your house a beautiful and useful path.

Also, making a straight gravel path takes very little time. First, you measure the place. Then, make the sides. Finally, spread the gravel. Thus, your path will be ready. This path also looks very nice.

2. Paver and Gravel Mix

In this design, you use both pavers and gravel. You can put pavers in the middle of the path and put gravel on the sides. This design looks very beautiful. For example, you can use square pavers and put gravel around them. Eventually, it will give your path a unique look.

Additionally, you can make your path even more attractive by using pavers and gravel of different colors. For example, you can use red pavers and white gravel. This way, your path will look very beautiful.

3. Curved Pathway

Apart from the straight path, you can also make a curved path. This design gives a natural look to your garden. First, you decide the shape of the path. Then, apply the pavers and gravel in that shape. Also, you can use pavers of different shapes. Eventually, this will give your garden a beautiful and attractive look.

Also, curved paths make your garden even more interesting. For example, you can curve the path around the flower beds. Thus, your garden will look even more beautiful.

A checkerboard pathway design using pavers and grass for a modern backyard look

4. Checkerboard Design

In this design, you apply the pavers and gravel in a checkerboard pattern. This design looks very attractive. You can create alternating squares of pavers and gravel. For example, you can use black and white pavers and put gravel in between them. Eventually, this will give your path a modern look.

Additionally, the checkerboard design gives your path a unique and stylish look. For example, you can create it from the main entrance of your house to the garden. This way, the entrance of your house will look even more beautiful.

Using pavers and gravel, you can create beautiful and useful paths in your backyard. These paths give a new look to your garden and enhance the beauty of your home. We learned about four different designs: straight gravel path, a mix of pavers and gravel, curved path, and checkerboard design. You can choose any design according to your choice and requirement. Moreover, these paths are also very easy to create. Eventually, these will make the exterior of your house even more beautiful.


Yes, sloping paths can be created using pavers and gravel. However, some additional precautions have to be taken for this. To keep the pavers stable on the slope, you have to attach them with cement. Also, to prevent the gravel from flowing, you have to make strong edges on the sides. Thus, you can create a safe and beautiful sloping path.

Absolutely, very beautiful paths can be created using different sizes of pavers. With small pavers, you can create curved paths, while with large pavers, straight and wide paths can be created. In addition, you can also create a unique design by combining pavers of different sizes. This will make your path look even more attractive.

Caring for a gravel path is very easy. All you have to do is remove leaves and other debris from the path from time to time. Also, if the gravel gets depleted, you have to add more gravel. Thus, your path will always remain clean and beautiful.

Yes, the colors of pavers can fade over time, especially if they are directly exposed to sunlight and rain. To avoid this problem, you can apply a sealer on the pavers. The sealer protects the pavers from sunlight and water and keeps their color for a long time.

Yes, other than gravel you can also use small stones, pebbles, or wood chips. These materials are also good options for making paths. However, you have to keep in mind that these materials may not be as durable as gravel.

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